The Festival Awards kicked off  with Managing Director of Ground Control Jon Drape moderating the panel between Cameron Addicott, Fiona Measham and Richard Church and their discussion on ‘Pills, thrill and keeping the punters safe!’

There was a real emphasis on building a relationship with the police in helping combat drug abuse at festivals. However, until recent years, it has been hard to convince the police force that tackling drug abuse at festivals falls into their job role – many feel it is only on the periphery – although there have been successful safety schemes implemented such as canine drug searching.

A main talking point surrounded increasing the amount of on-site testing currently carried out at festivals, with the ability to offer instant support – whether that be medically or via the police force – proving hugely successful. Furthermore, people suggested that any advice given whilst on site, would certainly make them take greater note rather than if they were approached on the issue outside of the festival environment.

Some interesting facts that arose from the panel’s discussion was that, this year’s Download Festival saw theft drop by almost 70% and at Kendal Calling crime as a whole saw a reduction of 80%! Keeping the festival-goers safe is always the main priority for organisers, and these stats go a long way in showing they’re heading in the right direction!